Air Sampling & Silica Testing
At B&W Compliance we offer all required OSHA programs and employee training for workplace environments with high-risk for silica dust inhalation.
These programs include, but are not limited to:
- Air sampling for worker exposures to silica at the latest Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) and action levels
- Analyzation of samples in a laboratory that meets the qualifications for and uses the methods specified in OSHA’s Silica Standard
- Consultation and recommendations based on laboratory findings
- Medical Surveillance Programs with a board-certified occupational medical physician as required by OSHA
- Quantitative respirator fit testing and Respiratory Protection Programs

Silica Dust and Respiratory Protection for Employees
Employers are responsible for ensuring a safe workplace environment for employees, including one that is safe to breathe in.
Industries such as construction, mining, oil and gas extraction, stone countertop fabrication, foundries, construction, and other manufacturing industries, frequently expose employees to high levels of silica dust that is unsafe to breathe.
Silica dust is made of of small particules that become airborne during activities with materials that contain crystalline silica. Frequent exposure to high levels of silica dust can lead to a dangerous medical condition in the lungs that makes it difficult to breathe. Additionally, this condition is progressive, debilitating, and sometimes fatal, even after exposure has been eliminated.
Because of the dangers and long-term effects of breathing silica dust, OSHA requires some employers to implement an Exposure Control Plan that would include air sampling for silica dust particles to test the rate of exposure and ensure it is within certain levels, as well as Respiratory Protection Programs and Medical Surveillance Programs.
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